8am Friday 12/7
My last morning in Uganda. We have been without water for 2 days now and as much as I will miss this crew, I can't help but think of how nice a shower will feel! :) I did not sleep well, woke early, finished packing, and now I am waiting for the team to arrive for my final meeting. Dr. Alphons arrived early, and he is working across from me, answering phone calls and emails. My office buddy, Rian, is watching cartoons and coloring.
Rian, as I may have mentioned earlier, is the son of the office caretaker, Eddy. I have nicknamed him Squirrel and his 3 year old energy is both entertaining and exhausting. He is out of school for holiday and has been my near constant companion whenever I am in the office. He was quite helpful during my packing yesterday, asking "What's dis?" and pointing to everything. Everything. He also proceeded to search through my clothing and pick out a skirt to give to his mother! This kid is too much. :) Without his classmates, he has been getting bored and underfoot, so it is quite common for Eddy, Allan, Renny and I to take a break and play football (soccer) with him in the courtyard. Rian is hilariously bossy, and we have been working on "Please" and "Thank you". Last night he decided we should call my mom and dad via WhatsApp video calling, and he proceeded to show my folks his coloring pencils and book, before running away in fits of giggles. He is also a bottomless pit, when it comes to food, and can hear a ginger biscuit wrapper opening from any room in the office. Eddy is a good natured, affectionate dad and we have had plenty of laughs over this kid. He has told me that Rian is going to miss me, but I think Eddy will also miss the temporary childcare. They are both looking forward to a week long visit back to the village where Rian's mom lives. Rian and I have exhausted the family friendly movies on my thumb drive, so I will have to remember to bring more on my next trip.
The team is trickling in, so I will wrap this up. I still can't believe the near 6 weeks has passed so rapidly. I will miss this place and these people, but I am looking forward to seeing my family and friends. I have so many continuing projects to work on for ITWA that I am sure you will be hearing from me again soon! Thank you for your support and company. It's been wonderful having you along for the adventure.
oxoxox MB
