7:45am Monday 11/12
Good Morning! Just a quick post, this fine Gulu morning, from Opit Clinic. The midwives will be joining me soon this morning, for lectures, before we start scanning patients. Yesterday was as close to a "rest day" as I have gotten so far on this trip. Still without power, we have been taking our computers and electronics to the clinic for charging, where they have a generator. While my computer and portable Wi-Fi where charging, I finished a book while sitting on our covered porch. We had a short introduction meeting with the midwives, making a plan for the 2.5 days that I will be training. Once my computer was again charged, I worked on lectures until my battery ran low, then started an audio book and took the time to admire the stunning, star-filled African sky. We have all been working long hours, so a relaxed day was appreciated. We are attempting to start our days earlier, in order to end training earlier, and give the midwives the opportunity to see their patients in the late afternoon. At the previous clinics, we worked late into the evening, which left the women exhausted and barely able to absorb the information that I was sharing. Hopefully, this will work out better for all of us. In the mean time, I have been receiving messages regarding the tragic fires that are once again tearing through California. In my 20's I was a Ranch Manager for a beautiful ranch in Malibu, and I have found out that it has been destroyed by the fire. Luckily, it sounds like most of the animals have been evacuated, but it is still heartbreaking to think of. I am hoping that all of my friends and prior coworkers are safe, and that most (if not all) of the animals have managed to escape unharmed. Please keep them in your thoughts.
oxox MB
