Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Whew...the Wi-Fi is a CHALLENGE today! :) As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am trying to help boost the social media for ITW on Instagram and Facebook. I am highlighting our training team and thought you might like to know a bit more about my teammates. Here is the first profile I have posted...
This is Bwambale Kisandi John, a volunteer trainer for ITW
since 2010. John is married with 4 children, living in the western region of Uganda
in the districts of Kiasese and Rubrizi. He is self-employed at the Kisandi
Medical Center and has a diploma in Medical Radiography, BSc in Medical
Imaging, and MSc in Medical Ultrasound, all obtained from ECURI at Mengo
Hospital. John: “I decided to work with ITW because their goals and vision were
aligned with my career. It was an opportunity for me to help the financially disadvantaged
community acquire quality diagnostic services at very low or no cost, thereby
saving lives of both mothers and their unborn babies.” John credits a lot of
his success to support from ITW. “I was given a bursary while studying for my
MSc, I have copied the heart of helping and have employed this at my clinic,
offering specialized imaging at a discount to people living with HIV, disabilities
and the financially disadvantaged. Bravo ITW!”

Lectures and training are getting more intense as we move closer to the end of training. This group will have their written and hands-on exams on Friday, heading home on Saturday. We had an influx of volunteer mothers at the beginning of training, but yesterday only a few showed up, which greatly impacts the amount of hands-on training we are able to give. James was originally in charge of finding us volunteers, but a family emergency has taken him away this week and unfortunately his replacement is not quite up to task. We are trying to adapt as best we can and are hopeful that we will have enough mothers for the final exam.
A group of volunteers, pregnant mothers waiting for an ultrasound. |
This morning as I walked up to the Training center, I could hear the blaring chatter of birds in the trees near the main building. As I investigated further, I identified hundreds of noisy, yellow weaver birds, filling the trees. These were a favorite of mine when I traveled to Bwindi, Uganda in 2018, because they are so striking, vocal, busy and very entertaining to watch them raiding local plants to build their hanging nests. Here is a stock photo for identification (I didn't have my Nikon handy!) and a video I took of their morning party.
We had some light rain last night, which was wonderful and brought down the temperatures, and we are due for some intermittent thunderstorms today. It is starting to get quite warm, so I am looking forward to the wind and rain for a change. The night before last, we were blessed with a wonderful light show. I will leave you with the link, wishing you a great day.
Much love, Jo (MB)
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