Monday May 1, 2023 6am
Good morning! My attempt to write last night was thwarted by heavy rains and spotty Wi-Fi, so I will try again this morning. Yes, it's still raining! I am no stranger to constant rain, thanks to living in the PNW, so I am adjusting easier than the rest of the team.
For those of you who don't know, I am here in Kenya as an Ultrasound Trainer Volunteer for the NGO Imaging the World. We offer Sonographer training in Africa, currently in Uganda, Kenya and Malawi, often traveling to remote clinics to assess Sonographers and offer training. From almost the moment I stepped off the plane, I have been planning my next trip back. I already have a long list on my phone of supplies and prep ideas and the more I meet with the other training team members, the more ideas we have about continuing education for the Sonographers. Yesterday was a busy day of meetings, lecture assignments, training suggestions and collaboration, and setting up the lecture room and scanning stations. The first ten trainees arrived in the late afternoon, and after introductions were made, we were able to get them settled into their rooms before meeting up again for dinner.
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The Mara Training Center |
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Scanning area with space for 4 beds |
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Allan setting up the projector for lectures |
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Waiting area for local expectant mothers who have volunteered to let the trainees scan them. |
As expected, my biggest concern about the food here is that I will not be able to fit into my clothes by the end of the trip! I am unable to eat most animal proteins, including poultry and eggs, which is usually a great concern for everyone but me. I start my morning with strong, black Kenyan tea and local honey, fresh toasted bread with local peanut butter, and fresh fruit, while everyone else is enjoying eggs, bacon, crepes, etc... It's a perfect breakfast for me and plenty of food for everyone else. Lunches and dinners are also delicious and yesterday was no exception. We were served rice with sultanas and green onion, creamy lentils with vegetables, fresh baked bread with local garlic and a beautiful salad made with greens and tomatoes grown in a nearby greenhouse with cheese from the local dairy. Dinner for everyone was fresh grilled lamb chops, warm cabbage slaw, fresh "chile" made with red onion, spicy herbs and fresh tomatoes, and a mix of cooked vegetables. I was served fried potatoes, roasted pumpkin with onions (this will shock my friends and family, because I am a notoriously bad vegetarian and hate most squashes!), and cabbage slaw. The Mara is almost completely self-sustaining, and the locals work hard at sustainable farming practices that coexist with the wildlife. Unfortunately, sometimes the wildlife wants to coexist too much, so a guard is needed by the greenhouse during the day to keep the monkeys out. They also have given up trying to grow bananas, because of constant raiding by the baboons and vervets.
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Black Kenyan tea and local honey |
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Lunch Buffet |
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My favorite far! :) |
I have taken advantage of a break in the rain and moved up to the training center early. I am sitting at a long table used for our group meals, at the edge of a veranda, sipping my tea and listening to a cacophony of birds celebrating the temporary respite from the heavy rains. The men who prepare our meals are talking and laughing in the kitchen and I can smell something wonderful happening in there! I am often awake long before the others and I don't mind this kind of solitude one bit.
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My morning workstation...the best job ever! |
I will be giving the longest lecture this afternoon, Normal Female Pelvic Ultrasound, so I am going to review the lecture, make any necessary notes, and prepare for another delicious breakfast. A very happy Monday for me!
Much love, Jo (MB)
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