Monday May 1, 2023 6am Good morning! My attempt to write last night was thwarted by heavy rains and spotty Wi-Fi, so I will try again this morning. Yes, it's still raining! I am no stranger to constant rain, thanks to living in the PNW, so I am adjusting easier than the rest of the team. For those of you who don't know, I am here in Kenya as an Ultrasound Trainer Volunteer for the NGO Imaging the World. https://www.imagingtheworld.org/ We offer Sonographer training in Africa, currently in Uganda, Kenya and Malawi, often traveling to remote clinics to assess Sonographers and offer training. From almost the moment I stepped off the plane, I have been planning my next trip back. I already have a long list on my phone of supplies and prep ideas and the more I meet with the other training team members, the more ideas we have about continuing education for the Sonographers. Yesterday was a busy day of meetings, lecture assignments, training suggestions and collab...