9:15am Saturday 11/23
The last couple of days have been a whirlwind, much like most of this trip. After leaving Nawanyago clinic, Picho drove us into Jinja, so Shallon and I could check out the shops and wander around for a bit, then to the Source of the Nile, where I took a short boat trip up the Nile river. Once back in Kampala, I unpacked, sorted, and prepared for the next day's trip to Mubende. Mubende Regional Hospital is a government run hospital, and ITWA has been training 3 RNs at this location. I met the Director of the Hospital, the Radiographer, and the Nurses, and began my assessment/training. This location was a bit more frustrating from my prior assessment site, because the RNs and Radiographer, as well as the Director, were all under the impression that my assessment was a formality and I would be leaving a machine with them, which was not the case. This put me in the uncomfortable position of being the bearer of bad news, while trying to keep them motivated to continue training. I assured them that the primary goal of ITWA was to set them up for success as Sonographers and that this assessment was more of an indication of where we need to focus our continued training.
Fast forward to this morning, I was up early, packed all of my bags, wrote and sent my Mubende assessment to the ITWA Team, and sent a few more ITWA emails. My large bag will remain behind, and I will bring my smaller bags to Bwindi. Picho and I will head out in about 20 minutes, and drive 7+ hours, through the Wild Animal Park. He will stay with me for about a week, drop me off near the Bwindi Nursing School, then head back to Kampala, while I stay and work with the Nursing students. On December 6th, I will fly back in a small 6 seater plane, spend a night in Kampala, then leave Uganda for Dubai on the 7th. Dr. Alphons arrived this morning, and we were able to discuss the Mubende site and ideas for my return next fall. Discussing my returning to work with these incredible people makes me so incredibly happy!
Picho has just arrived and we will load up the van and hit the road. I love the idea of napping in the van, because I am exhausted, but Uganda is so beautiful and there is too much to see and photograph, I think a nap in unlikely. I'm told the internet is good in Bwindi, so I will be in touch soon!
oxox MB
