Next Stop...Uganda!
It's official, I'll be travelling to Uganda in November!! I will be gone 4-6 weeks, traveling all over the country, to the numerous clinics where ITW is currently providing training. I will also go to the Nursing school in Bwindi, to assess the integrated Ultrasound program that has been in place. I will be providing some training, looking at the current training program, talking with the Ultrasound students, and gathering valuable information to help me develop a new curriculum. The long term plan is that I will be able to return for 3 months, strictly for training. I'm so excited that I can barely keep from screaming with joy! This is, truly what I have dreamed of. The chance to build a curriculum and resource that will pass on a skill that I am so passionate about, a skill that can help so many people, and genuinely save lives. And don't even get me started on the actual opportunity to travel to Africa. My sister and I have always talked about going to Africa, ever since we read The Flame Trees of Thika as young girls. As a photographer and a love of all things travel, it makes my heart race to think of it!
There is a lot to do to prepare for this trip. A grant will be paying for my flight, lodgings and food stipend, however the rest is up to me. I have already started working through my travel guide, calling the Travel Clinic, and researching the Visa application. The list of necessary vaccines is a long and expensive one, and I'm thankful that I have half of them already. The remaining vaccines will cost me a little over $550, along with Malaria medication and other recommended medications to take along. The Visa and airport fees will cost another ~ $200, and I will need travel insurance and various supplies that are also strongly suggested. I will also have to plan for 4-6 weeks without an income.
This is the part where I beg for money :) so prepare yourselves! So many of you have already offered to continue donating to my cause, and I am so thankful for your support. With changing tax laws, specifically regarding tax free donations, I have had to rethink how I fund raise. First of all, you always have the option of making a direct donation to Imaging The World, I will attach the link at the bottom of the page (whether you donate, or not, please take a moment to check out this organization!). You can also send them a check, designating the funds to go to Jo Clancy (me!) in the memo, and these donations will offset some of the costs that ITW is covering for me. The upside is that ITW is a wonderful organization, doing amazing work, that is helping thousands of people have access to training and better healthcare. The downside is that I will have no idea if you make a donation, without you telling me when and how much the donation was made for. As those of you who have graciously donated to me before know, I love to personally thank every person who has helped to make my dream a reality. Another option is to donate directly to me (details below), with the understanding that your donations will go directly to the costs of any and all travel expenses and supplies, as well as training materials specific to my work with ITW. I have opened a new checking account that will be used solely for my medical mission expenses, allowing me to keep very detailed records of all monies in and out. If at any time you wish to know where the donations are being spent, whether you've donated or not, I will make any and all expenses public with full disclosure. Many of you have known me for decades, some only for the past few years since I started this incredible journey, but it's important that you have complete faith in the support you give me, whether it's financial, emotional or both. Another option is Amazon, either by sending me gift cards that can be used for supplies, or simply using AmazonSmile and designate ITW as your charity of choice. In spite of the changing tax laws, which may discourage people from giving, I cannot stress enough how important it is to continue giving support to the organizations you care about. So many people, locally and globally, are dependent on the generosity of others, and I hope (at the very least) to inspire you to keep opening your hearts and minds to others. I will now pick up my soapbox and carry on with this wonderful day. :) Thanks for listening and following along on this amazing journey, I'll keep you posted! ox MB
If you would like to see what ITW is all about, take some time to check out their webpage. There are some new video attachments that are quite wonderful...
If you would like make a direct donation, friends and family can send check to my home address, friends I haven't met yet and potential stalkers can mail check to the following address:
Jo Clancy
PO Box 874191
Vancouver, WA 98687
(*Please make sure your contact information is on the envelope and/or check! Keeping in touch with my supporters is very important to me.)

It's official, I'll be travelling to Uganda in November!! I will be gone 4-6 weeks, traveling all over the country, to the numerous clinics where ITW is currently providing training. I will also go to the Nursing school in Bwindi, to assess the integrated Ultrasound program that has been in place. I will be providing some training, looking at the current training program, talking with the Ultrasound students, and gathering valuable information to help me develop a new curriculum. The long term plan is that I will be able to return for 3 months, strictly for training. I'm so excited that I can barely keep from screaming with joy! This is, truly what I have dreamed of. The chance to build a curriculum and resource that will pass on a skill that I am so passionate about, a skill that can help so many people, and genuinely save lives. And don't even get me started on the actual opportunity to travel to Africa. My sister and I have always talked about going to Africa, ever since we read The Flame Trees of Thika as young girls. As a photographer and a love of all things travel, it makes my heart race to think of it!
There is a lot to do to prepare for this trip. A grant will be paying for my flight, lodgings and food stipend, however the rest is up to me. I have already started working through my travel guide, calling the Travel Clinic, and researching the Visa application. The list of necessary vaccines is a long and expensive one, and I'm thankful that I have half of them already. The remaining vaccines will cost me a little over $550, along with Malaria medication and other recommended medications to take along. The Visa and airport fees will cost another ~ $200, and I will need travel insurance and various supplies that are also strongly suggested. I will also have to plan for 4-6 weeks without an income.
This is the part where I beg for money :) so prepare yourselves! So many of you have already offered to continue donating to my cause, and I am so thankful for your support. With changing tax laws, specifically regarding tax free donations, I have had to rethink how I fund raise. First of all, you always have the option of making a direct donation to Imaging The World, I will attach the link at the bottom of the page (whether you donate, or not, please take a moment to check out this organization!). You can also send them a check, designating the funds to go to Jo Clancy (me!) in the memo, and these donations will offset some of the costs that ITW is covering for me. The upside is that ITW is a wonderful organization, doing amazing work, that is helping thousands of people have access to training and better healthcare. The downside is that I will have no idea if you make a donation, without you telling me when and how much the donation was made for. As those of you who have graciously donated to me before know, I love to personally thank every person who has helped to make my dream a reality. Another option is to donate directly to me (details below), with the understanding that your donations will go directly to the costs of any and all travel expenses and supplies, as well as training materials specific to my work with ITW. I have opened a new checking account that will be used solely for my medical mission expenses, allowing me to keep very detailed records of all monies in and out. If at any time you wish to know where the donations are being spent, whether you've donated or not, I will make any and all expenses public with full disclosure. Many of you have known me for decades, some only for the past few years since I started this incredible journey, but it's important that you have complete faith in the support you give me, whether it's financial, emotional or both. Another option is Amazon, either by sending me gift cards that can be used for supplies, or simply using AmazonSmile and designate ITW as your charity of choice. In spite of the changing tax laws, which may discourage people from giving, I cannot stress enough how important it is to continue giving support to the organizations you care about. So many people, locally and globally, are dependent on the generosity of others, and I hope (at the very least) to inspire you to keep opening your hearts and minds to others. I will now pick up my soapbox and carry on with this wonderful day. :) Thanks for listening and following along on this amazing journey, I'll keep you posted! ox MB
If you would like to see what ITW is all about, take some time to check out their webpage. There are some new video attachments that are quite wonderful...
If you would like make a direct donation, friends and family can send check to my home address, friends I haven't met yet and potential stalkers can mail check to the following address:
Jo Clancy
PO Box 874191
Vancouver, WA 98687
(*Please make sure your contact information is on the envelope and/or check! Keeping in touch with my supporters is very important to me.)

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