Next Stop...Uganda! It's official, I'll be travelling to Uganda in November!! I will be gone 4-6 weeks, traveling all over the country, to the numerous clinics where ITW is currently providing training. I will also go to the Nursing school in Bwindi, to assess the integrated Ultrasound program that has been in place. I will be providing some training, looking at the current training program, talking with the Ultrasound students, and gathering valuable information to help me develop a new curriculum. The long term plan is that I will be able to return for 3 months, strictly for training. I'm so excited that I can barely keep from screaming with joy! This is, truly what I have dreamed of. The chance to build a curriculum and resource that will pass on a skill that I am so passionate about, a skill that can help so many people, and genuinely save lives. And don't even get me started on the actual opportunity to travel to Africa. My sister and I have always talked about go...