Sunday, October 26, 2024 It’s a cool, slightly overcast morning here, a nice change from the increasing heat during the day. It’s wild to think that my trip here is almost finished! I will have three more days of scanning, Thursday will be hands-on evaluation day, then Friday I will take a small plane from Gulu to Entebbe. I will spend the night in Entebbe and fly to Dubai on Saturday afternoon. Rachel will be leaving tomorrow, for a conference in Kampala, then another conference in Kenya. It’s been great having her here and we have had continuous conversations about past, current, and future trainings. We spend a lot of time talking about how to optimize the training, problem solving, and how to best support the midwife community in Northern Uganda. It’s great to work with someone who is so supportive and appreciative, and flexible. It’s counterproductive to be too rigid here, which is why I am continuously working on my curriculum materials and adding necessary lectures. Sister...