Saturday 4/26/2024 Hello! You might want to get comfortable, grab a snack, and put your feet up. This will be a long one! 😁 I am back from the Ssese Islands, visiting 3 islands and 5 clinics in 3 days. Let's back all the way up to last Friday. I went to CHI for the day, but there were no patients. The clinics that I have worked with here do not run as they do back in the states. There are no appointments made, patients just show up, first come first served, or they don't. Gingo has been asked to create SOPs for the clinic, which is not something he is familiar with or has any experience doing, so I helped him with some research and examples, talked about some other resources that I may be able to send him, and then I headed back to the office. When Picho and I arrived at the office we were informed that, once again, the trip to the islands might have to be postponed again due to a last-minute request from the US team. Renny had responded with the requested paper...