Hello Friends, I hope everyone is doing well and survived the holiday season. :) Here we all are at the end of January and LET THE COUNTDOWN BEGIN! In 3 weeks, I will be flying back to Uganda. 3 WEEKS! A few days ago, I was able to have a long phone call with Kristen (ITW Director), who had just returned from a trip to Uganda. As is often the case with these trips, I have a vague idea of what I will be doing and then suddenly I have a much bigger and more specific idea of what I will be doing. And let me tell you, I will be doing A LOT. On my first trip to Uganda in 2018, I spent some time in the Gulu District, training nurses and midwives at 3 clinics. Since that training, the staff has changed, with some of the nurses moving to different clinics, and our machines and equipment are sitting unused in storage. There is no funding to train the new staff and the government clinic will not pay for training, so I have decided to cover the cost from my volunteer donations and pers...