Welcome back, friends...or just plain "Welcome" for those of you who are here for the first time. 😊 Let's jump right in, shall we? It's almost unbelievable that 2 months have flown by since I last checked in, and what a 2-months it has been. Shortly after returning from Africa, I flew back to the Midwest to bring my aunt back for my father's funeral. On June 20, Military Funeral Honors were held for my father, a retired Lt. Col. in the USMC. Taps were played, there was a gun salute, and the U.S. burial flag was folded and presented to me. My parents' ashes were finally laid to rest at the Fort Worden National Cemetary in Port Townsend, WA. It was an emotionally exhausting day, a relief to have my parents' ashes finally buried together and also a horrible reminder that both of my parents are truly gone. That's how my days have been, moments of overwhelming grief juxtaposed with the feeling of having a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, allowing me t...