Saturday, June 3, 2023 Good morning...and I do mean "morning"! My morning started at 3am, for crying out loud. I arrived home on Tuesday afternoon and have spent the past few days forcing myself back into my time zone. Pure exhaustion and an 11-hour time difference helped me get a solid 6 hours of sleep for the past few nights... which is good for me...but last night I could only manage 4 hours, so here we are. I think I'll work backwards, filling you in on my last day in Dubai. I woke up early and started writing to you folks. :) Housekeeping forced me down to the pool for a bit (very sad, I know!) and by 10am it was already close to 100 degrees F and very humid. Nada had sent me a message Sunday night, inviting me to join her at a Secret Supper Club dinner Monday night, so I decided to spend the day in my room packing my bags and staying cool. Now let's talk about the Supper Club dinner...WOW! I'm going to quote myself, from my Instagram post... I cannot reme...