Good Morning! At least it's morning for me. :) I am sitting in the Dubai airport, awaiting my flight to Entebbe, after a 2 night layover in Dubai. As expected, my 14.5 hour flight to Dubai was brutal. I am not a good sleeper on the best of days, but packed into a plane with screaming babies (so much empathy for the parents of said babies!) and a seat mate lacking personal space boundaries, pretty much eliminated any chance of sleeping on the flight. I did manage to watch 8 movies, mainly because once the seat in front of me reclined, there was no space to work on my computer. I did enjoy the fact that Emerites has a starry sky on the ceiling of the plane! As expansive as the Dubai Airport is, it's incredibly efficient, so getting my luggage was a snap. I was never to happy to order room service, and take a long, hot shower, before climbing into bed. My poor, confused brain woke me a mere 4 hours later (4 am Dubai time!), but I managed a few more hours of rest before giving up a...