In just a smidge over 6 weeks, I will be boarding the plane for my next adventure in Uganda! I finished up my travel vaccines this week (photo proof below), needing only the Yellow Fever and Meningococcal to add to my immune arsenal. I'll pick up my Malaria meds and an emergency dose of Cipro a little closer to the trip. I've ordered some suggested supplies and I've completed 3 lectures and started on the 4th. I've also given myself permission to be REALLY EXCITED! Dr. Kristen and I had another phone conference and GG has been asked to move on...which explains why I haven't received any of her (imaginary) teaching materials. (There might be a touch of jubilation on my end, at hearing this news) So, Kristen and I were able to discuss some plans about the future, and my part in it, with ITW. If all goes well and as planned on this trip, I will return to Uganda next year, for 3 months. I am beyond thrilled at this opportunity, it's what I have been working towards....