The flight is booked. It's real. I'm leaving for Uganda October 29th, returning December 10th. There is an emotional dust devil inside of me, destined to become an F5 Tornado by the time I board the plane in 11 weeks. I've got to figure out how to reign it in...you know, use my powers for Good instead of Evil. :) I have so much to do, but I am reminded and grateful for my prior trips to Haiti and Honduras. Haiti was a constant lesson on how to proceed when nothing goes as planned, whereas Honduras was an example of the progress that can be made when your plan works. I am sure that I will need both as I move forward in Uganda. Last month I had a phone conference with a woman who is currently living and working in Uganda, for ITW, and Dr. DeStigter. During this phone conference, it was suggested that I stop working on my training lectures and curriculum, because someone had come forward and offered up their existing curriculum, from an accredited Ultrasound program. The plan ...