Hellooooo!! Remember me?? :) As usual, I've been living life in high gear, constantly telling myself "You need to write about this! Why aren't you writing about this?!". As I sit here, after spending a good 10 minutes trying to recover my password, I cannot believe it has been almost 10 months since I have shared my Monkey Brain with the outside world. I will try to hit the high points and catch everyone up... I returned from Honduras in July, and promptly hit the road for my contract in Vermont. What a fantastic contract, for many reasons, snagging a New England contract in the Fall was like winning the traveler lottery! My coworkers were wonderful and the scenery was breathtaking. Shortly after starting my contract, I found out that I would not be able to return to Haiti in March, as planned, which was very upsetting for me. There were multiple volunteers on the trip that I had been communicating with, in anticipation of seeing and working with each other again, and...