It's been two weeks since I've returned from Honduras. I've hit the ground running, since I got home, working and catching up on local volunteer work...and sleeping. Lots of sleeping. By now, I know what to expect when I return from my trips abroad, but it's still a bit of a rough transition. This was my third trip, hard to believe, and I always get a little depressed when I get home. I return home, with a million ideas and plans swimming in my head, and I end up feeling isolated and lonely. My wonderful family and dearest friends are so incredibly supportive of my work overseas, but most of them do not live nearby, and I think that's a big part of why I feel so isolated on my return. I've given myself some time for a small Pity Party, but now it's time to put on my big girl panties and get back on track. I've sorted through my Honduras photos, multiple times, and I thought I would post a few that prove I actually work on these trips. :) I had such a won...